Saturday, April 24, 2021

"To My Loving Friend...Love Jesus"

"To My Loving Friend,

Thank you for visiting.  Here you will find my love and wisdom. 
First, I give you my PEACE.  This you need to block out all the negative energy in your life.  

Second, I give you KNOWLEDGE.  This will help you know right from wrong and act accordingly.
Knowledge will provide you with what is right and good.  Making an educated decision is best.  

Third, I give you BLESSINGS.  Today my loved ones are going through many challenges.  With my help, you will conquer evil and reach your destiny.  Your dreams are united with mine for your life.  Together we will achieve them.  

Fourth, I give you JOY.  You need this to have happiness.  Inner Joy comes from within your soul and permeates through your entire being, when it comes from me.  

Fifth, I GIVE YOU LOVE.  The most important of all.  It is the oxygen of your being and it comes from me.  

Please open your heart and mind to me for I have many gifts to bestow upon you.  I wish you to experience the best life you can have on earth.  Walk with me on this journey.  You are my loving friend and there is nothing I would not do for you.  All I request is your love and friendship.  
Thank you.


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