Wednesday, October 9, 2019


If you need an attitude adjustment or simply put, you need to change your dreadful mood...then it's simple what to do.  TURN TO JESUS.  It is very easy.  Whether you are super religious or not, go to Church or not, one thing is constant.  JESUS IS ALWAYS HERE FOR YOU.  HE WILL NEVER FORSAKE YOU.  

Talk to HIIM anyway you wish.  Close your eyes and think of HIM, look at an image of HIM, sit in your room or stop by a Church and talk.  You will feel better.  But the BEST NEWS is that Jesus is listening.  Those that go to HIM for help, love, guidance...HE always answers.  When you trust in Jesus, HE will answer your prayers.  

Jesus will work in your heart and mind immediately.  You may not realize it, but good things are happening.  And soon, very soon, your mood will change and so will your life.  Never give up HOPE IN JESUS, FOR WITHOUT HIM, WE HAVE NOTHING.

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