Wednesday, November 4, 2009


As my daughter Julia reminded me, it does not matter where we are is where we end up...that matters the most! It is God's overall plan for our life, that is the most important. The journey will take us through the ups and downs and sometimes silent parts...but God is in control. He is navigating the journey for us. We have to want God to lead us, guide us and then allow HIM to. If we do this...then in the silent of our heart and soul...we are being lead by our Beloved Lord toward greatness.

At times, we may feel that we come to a crossroad and say, "now what? Where do we go? You are so silent Lord. What is the plan? Speak a little louder because I can't hear you". Many people today are struggling with all sorts of hardships. Some are worse than others. But each of us have trials and tribulations...and they are unique to our life. Where we are temporary. God is going to propel us for our greatness and HIS. Sometimes we just need to pause...and get back our strength and then continue on our journey.

God wants us to be happy. He wants to help us. Sometimes we can not imagine the great things that God has planned for us! So let's all stay positive! Smile, help one another and enjoy the journey!


Mikes Sumondong said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and thanks for this inspiring post. may God bless you more and more!

Kathleen Frangeskos said...

Thanks Mikes,
Nice to see you and thanks for the compliments and Blessings!

I appreciate it very much!

Mikes Sumondong said...

no Problem K. As always!

Kristen said...

I really needed to read this today! I know God is in control of my life and I totally trust Him always, but sometimes that devil loves to whisper in my ear that I'm a failure and will not succeed. I KNOW I'm not a failure because I am God's child and I know I will succeed because He is in total control of my life! Praise God!!!! Thanks for sharing this.

Kathleen Frangeskos said...

Dear Kristen,
That devil must have been working overtime this are like the third person who shared that same idea with me...

With God on our side...and our love and devotion to HIM, we cannot fail in God's eyes. Our dreams will come true with God...God wants us to be happy and HE will do everything to make sure that we are...

The devil does try and work on us when we are feeling tired and down...he puts little suggestions in our mind that we are we give up.

So, we must hang tough and know that Jesus will pull us through anything! Jesus can be pretty tough when HE needs to be also!

It is great to have your share your experiences with us. We can all relate....
God Bless you and I hope to see you soon.

Ginny said...

The hardest thing I had to do was to surrender all to God. I was afraid He would demand too much of me and if I could not/would not do it, I would disappoint Him. But, "Jesus knows you best" and has never asked me to deal with anything without me knowing that He was there the whole time.

Kathleen Frangeskos said...

Dear Ginny,
Jesus is just so nice and great!
I love that "Guy"!
HE always has us covered in every situation...HE never misses a thing!

And HE is always watching over you for sure...