"Beloved, do you not know that I am here for you? I above all things, are always at your side. Your precious soul resides in my care. Open your heart to me, for I alone will speak the truth to your soul. I wish to guide you along this journey. Your soul looks for me and my comforts. You too, need my loving care and protection. Seek me and seek all that I can offer you. My love is free. It comes without boundaries.
Some of you know me and hence, experience my peace. My peace is a grand gift. It simplifies your mind and allows you to see and feel the important things. Those that are devoted to me, have a clearer vision and are filled with hope.
I am here for you. Today and tomorrow, each day will be the same. Whatever your religious beliefs, know that I am the Son of The Most High and love you. I have been devoted to you since creation and shall remain in this role for all eternity.
Lean on me for my great wisdom, for I shall provide it. Ask for my love, for I shall shower you with it. Ask for my protection, for you and your family, for I shall provide it. Take advantage of all that I can do and offer for you, for this is my GIFT TO YOU. Endless love and mercy are yours. Do not be afraid to approach me, for I am very gentle and kind. I do not anger easily. I have great patience. I wish you to know me, for I already know you. Tell me you want to know me better and you shall. Ask me to be close to you and I shall. Ask me all that is in your heart and it shall be yours.
I love you. It is as simple as that. And we can interact very easily together. I am not in
some far away place, unreachable to my children. Quite the contrary. Let me be your Brother, your friend, for I already am.
I send you my Blessings, Jesus"