I happened to be at the right place, at the right time, upon a cruise ship when Whitney Houston came over to me to chat. The lounge that was filled with hundreds, was cleared out, except for Whitney, Bobby and me. It was there and then, that I found the greatest love of Whitney's life...was Jesus Christ. Wearing a long necklace with a 5" inch diamond cross, Whitney and I talked about Jesus. She said, "He was her rock, her best friend, he was the man". I couldn't agree more because that's exactly how I felt too.
Whitney had found Jesus and they shared an incredible love. Throughout her rise to stardom and millions, Whitney remain grounded, with the one most important thing, her faith. Her love, trust and friendship with Jesus was real. She was speaking from her heart, not a movie script. She found the greatest love of all...Jesus and she knew it! I was pleasantly surprised, that a woman who had so many talents and earthly riches, had found the one most important treasure...Jesus! I knew that as long as Whitney were alive, her love for HIM, would never waver. I also knew that Jesus loved her deeply. I prayed that Jesus would take care of her, all the days of her life.
I will not judge my friend Whitney. Do I wish that she handled things differently in her life? Absolutely...but Whitney lived life as a free spirit. Good or bad, I know she had Jesus to fall back on...and she knew this too. It is telling, that the last public appearance she made singing, was "Yes, Jesus Loves Me". Her soul was always connected to Jesus, even at the last hours of her life.
I know that Whitney is being comforted by Jesus as I write these words. He has opened his loving arms to her. HE will heal her, comfort her and continue to love her in Heaven. I pray that her loving daughter, Bobbi Kristina, feels God's love and comfort... and in time, she will know that her beautiful Mother, will watch over her from Heaven.
I will always love you Whitney Houston...thanks for the memories,
Kathleen Frangeskos.